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How Well Do You Know Jesus?

Updated: Apr 6, 2024

I suspect you and I know snippets here and there about Jesus. We know a number of pieces to the puzzle, but do we really know the whole picture? Questions about Jesus and his key themes (the things he put priority on, repeated often, and showed in his life):

What was his biggest positive theme?

What was his biggest negative theme?

What kind of relationship did he require between his followers and himself?

What kind of life did he expect of his followers?

What kind of relationship did he require his followers to have with other followers?

What kind of relationship did he require his followers to have with non-Christians?

How do you get the big picture of Jesus and the Christianity that he started?

Of course, that picture mainly comes in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. I - and I suspect a lot of Christians - spent years where we would sort of lightly read over things we thought we knew (“yeah, yeah, I know this part”). Because I had an agenda to cover a certain amount of scripture each day, I would just kind of ignore details that I didn't fully understand. I didn’t really think much about the context of the passage, like how it might have impacted the people Jesus was speaking to and how it fit with the rest of what he said and did. Eventually, life showed me that I had an incomplete concept of what Jesus was about and wanted from me. I became convicted to really study much more deeply. I got a harmonized, chronological version of the Bible/gospels, so as to see more the single storyline of how the things progressed over time. It helped me form a more comprehensive picture. I would check the Old Testament and other cross references (and their context). I would check multiple commentaries. I would check things in the non-gospels part of the New Testament that covered the same theme that Jesus was talking about. I would mull things over in the light of the most profound things Jesus had taught me during my life. Most of all I truly sought to hear what God was saying to me. It changed and continues to change, my life. It is also an ever-growing puzzle for a limited human to relate to the unlimited God of the Universe. Even though his coming to our level helps us understand more about the picture of him and God, they don't fit in any human 'box'. It's actually very comforting to know that it is a challenging and exciting journey that will continue throughout our life!

I'm not saying everyone who wants to know Jesus better will have the same path as me. Nevertheless, I encourage you to get more of the full picture of Jesus direct from the Bible. I believe it will likely change your life as well.


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