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Love and Unity with Fellow Believers
It is Biblically clear that God wants us to be authentic believers, to be unified, and to show tangible love for one another (Col. 3:4 and numerous other scriptures). In most cases, we have agreement on the core beliefs of Christianity. We don't have to have the same beliefs on everything. The problem is that we have let many different interpretations on non-core things become things that divide us, sometimes very deeply. Do you think God wants that?
Fellowship, Encouragement, Growing Deeper & Helping Each Other Grow
Heb. 10:24-25 says “Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another…”
Real community requires deeper interaction with others. It should be ‘healthy,’ where we are honest with each other, giving encouragement and at times loving accountability. A place where we don’t just share Christian sayings (or prayers) to impress others with our spirituality but where we can ‘let our hair down’ and be ourselves, while seeking the common goal of making God the center of our lives. This can’t happen in or even after most worship services (although such services can be very beneficial to our growth), nor with Christians who do not have similar priorities. We hope to - in a modern way - develop the kind of unity, growth, and love in this group that God intended for his church. This group is designed to be a place for fellowship, encouragement, questions, and sharing personal concerns with others in this group. Your participation is very important! We also encourage you to keep looking for healthy small groups through your church or elsewhere.
Growing Together
Besides sharing with each other on this site, for those who have a particular interest in going deeper on a given subject, we can have subgroups for that purpose. And in geographic areas where there are enough people who are interested, we can have local group get-togethers and/or Bible studies and/or local service projects. We are hoping to launch the first small group in Phoenix soon.
Being Your Real Self
We Christians tend to want to impress others with how good we are. But we are all broken. Even Jesus showed his excruciating internal pain in the Garden of Gethsemane. Paul honestly shared his brokenness many times, especially in Romans 7:15-25. Often David shared in the Psalms, his weaknesses and his terrible sin with Bathsheba and her husband. Nobody in Scripture didn't have struggles. Scripture never sugarcoats it. It shows healthy honesty.

Natural Promotion
As you grow in seeking to love God and others, you likely will naturally be reflecting it to others, on your social media and in-person interactions. Hopefully, this site will help you to grow further and in doing more of that. For example, perhaps instead of feeling superior or having a negative attitude to those who might be different than you, we can consciously think about ways to show more patience, compassion, and/or encouragement (Rom. 15:5). It might even be sharing something that has encouraged you in this group or reposting one of our graphic based posts.
Helping Change the World
In his last days on earth, Jesus gave the Great Commission “Therefore, go and make disciples…” (Matt 28:19). In other scripture, he talks about building up the church and building into each other. These scriptures apply to sharing your faith personally with others, but they can also apply to sharing in a bigger context, including via social media or sharing about this group to those who might be really interested. We can all change the world a little by what we do in our own “little world.” If you want to help spread this authentic Christianity movement beyond your own ‘little’ world to the larger world, you can start by showing love to others and/or promoting authentic faith. By the way, we want to both locally and ultimately nationally have projects that show love to those who are homeless or deeply struggling in life. Some of you have a real desire to foster unity, community, and love among the many committed Christians and may already be showing that. While we would like you to join our Facebook group, the most important thing is to keep doing what you can to let your light shine.
We were Wired for Purpose
Part of the problem in our society, even among many Christians, is the lack of purpose. This can lead to unhappiness and any of many different types of ‘escapism.’ Some may find a ‘temporary purpose,’ which isn’t satisfying for a lifetime, especially when we get old. God has meaning, purpose, and ministry for all of us, no matter what our age, that considers our gifts and history. Of course, for all of us, loving God and loving others is part of it. Whether you join us or not, that is the key Christian cause which we can all find joy in participating in.
Helping the ‘Authentic Christianity Cause’/Movement
God may give some of you an interest in attracting and mobilizing Christians and churches through promoting authentic faith in a broken world, including through this site. As God allows, we want to do our part in changing the status quo, especially in the church in America. Much of this can be done by personally reaching out to others in this effort. We will also have volunteer and paid campaigns on Facebook and/or other sources to expand the efforts. As mentioned, there will be high-quality graphic posts promoting scripture and other graphic efforts and/or the group and we can always use the help of talented designers.
Reaching Those who have Left Active Christianity
Some of you have a heart for the many formerly active Christians (especially younger people) who are so disgusted by much of the Christianity that they see, that they have dropped out of active Christianity. If they see this site and/or a number of Christians who start really exemplifying authentic Christianity, it could inspire them to look into it further. You can help in promoting the authentic Christianity cause and/or this site in interactions with them or the parents that might be concerned about their grown children.
Joining the "Movement"
There are growing indications across America that indicate the possibility of an "awakening," like that which started among the Christian settlers in the 1730s and changed the country. Some of you may be inspired to join the effort here - to build the authentic Christianity movement - through being on the team, wherever your talents lie. That can be to ‘facilitate’ discussion, do social-influencing, spreading the graphic posts, graphic design, coming up with love-project ideas, and novel other ways. Others of you are writers, Facebook group experts, YouTube experts, and/or ‘scholars’ who have constructive input on how to update the content efforts as this movement goes forward. God willing, there will be various ‘teams’ that will build/run this whole effort and from that, a development team that will guide it. We need your talents and skills! Feel free to message us or hang with us a while to see if you see the exciting potential here.
Please join us!