The All-In Prayer
Father God, when I think about your creation of the natural world, the awesomeness of the universe, and the incredibleness of the quantum world, my mind is blown by your power, creativity, mystery, and how beyond me you are! And I begin to realize how small and unworthy I am. And yet you stooped down to what would be lower than ants in comparison to us, to live and suffer terribly below your state to show your love and have a personal relationship with me. It is too much to comprehend! When in the midst of my greatest despair and need, you showed your love in so many ways, that I, for the first time, felt deeply compelled to show love to others who I had previously had not desired to love.
God, I have not given my whole life to you or loved you as wholeheartedly as you deserve. I want to do that, I want you to be above all other gods in my life, particularly my materialism, self-centeredness and superficiality. That is not easy, I am so easily distracted by the things of this world. While I feel like I’ve made a lot of progress, I need your help to stay on the course and I need your help in the areas I resist giving up. I want to be all-in with you, please help me in the areas I hold back or that I don’t realize that are preventing me from it.
God, as you lead, I want to be able to give more sacrificially. Help me to make continued progress on this.
God, you have shown me how terribly superficial I am inclined to be. Help me by your Holy Spirit to show love to others more proactively than my personality would normally allow. God help me to show more and more of the fruit of the Spirit every year as I grow in you. Help me to grow in humility. Help quiet my overactive mind and to learn to slow down and also to really listen to people without being so focused on what I want to say.
God, I know this life is a journey and it can be hard at times. Help me not to settle for a ‘comfort zone’ but to be always learning, always growing, and always serving, especially in my relationship with you.
Updated: Apr 6, 2024